Increasing Ecological Understanding
with Augmented Reality



This project explores the deployment of augmented reality technology as a tool of scientific and political communication of the phenomena of climate change. Climate change science and data is readily available and commonly acknowledged, however the scale of climate change in time and space makes it difficult for individuals to respond to. This project seeks to use augmented reality as a new tool that might open up new opportunities for audience engagement and communication of issues that are normally hard to visualize in their material effects.


Its research is, first of all, based on a thesis titled 'Increasing ecological understanding with Extended Realities" in which I studied Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) case studies. The thesis allowed me to acknowledge the ability that AR has to link ecology back to the person’s real world and surroundings as it brings a layer of information and guides the viewer into the immediacy of the experience. It also facilitates a deeper insight by making a simple sense of all the complex data on ecological issues.
More info on my thesis here

In a second time, the overall data behind this project is based on secondary research around our respective carbon footprint and its repercussions on different ecosystems.

Presented at

Postgraduate Design Show (LCC, London)